
Watford Grammar School for Boys has an impressive reputation as one of the leading comprehensive secondary schools in the UK.
All of our students engage with an academic curriculum and most excel beyond national expectations to an impressive degree.

Coupled with this academic excellence is our commitment to offer all our pupils the opportunity to excel outside the classroom through the provision of an enriching programme of extra-curricular activity such as music, drama, sport, engineering or business skills.

To view the DfE Performance tables please click hereFor a comparison of WGBS' results with other secondary schools, please click here


Key Stage 4 GCSE Results 2023

  • Grade 9                                                    18.2%
  • Grade 7 to 9                                             57.5%
  • Grade 4 to 9                                             95.2%
  • Grade 5 to 9 in English and Maths           91.6%
  • Attainment 8 score                                    69.1
  • Students entered to EBacc                       97.3%
  • EBacc average point score                       6.78
  • Students staying in education                   99%
    or entering employment after key stage 4

A Level

2023 A Level Results

% A*


% A*/A


% A* - B
