Library News October 2022
BackWe have hit the ground running at the start of term in the Library, here are a few of the activities we enjoyed organising and being part of:
Library Induction
Our new Year 7 boys were introduced to the Library, having their Library Induction during English Lessons (thank you to our brilliant English Department for bringing the boys over). We had lots of fun with the boys solving cryptic crime clues to locate books around the Library, this involved their new skill of understanding the Dewey system. Well done to Year 7, I was very impressed.
Volunteering in the Library
Along with our 8 Library Prefects, this term 18 boys have started their D of E volunteering in the Library, completing an hour a week, during break and after school. They are working towards Bronze and Gold awards. Assisting with setting up new books, returning books, shelving, helping lower years with queries and much more.
We also have 8 L6th volunteers working within our school Archives, as part of their Community Service. The boys work with our artefacts, including setting up a database and uploading details of our extensive records and items. They investigate requests for information from our Alumni families, tracing old report cards and information from our Fullerian Magazine’s going back to the first edition in 1904.
It has been busy and rewarding training all our Library volunteers and Prefects, they are all keen and are an integral part of the Library.
Celebrating 100 years of Watford becoming a borough, 1922 to 2022
Working with Ms Riaz and Mrs Barnes of the History Department, we had an interesting and informative talk on the 100 years’ history of Watford becoming a borough given by Claire Davies from Watford Museum. Two of our Volunteer Archivist boys Haseen and Caleb assisted Claire with artefacts from WBGS archives supplying artefacts during the talk.
We like to remind the boys that they are all part of our school’s rich history too!...Maybe in 100 years’ time their relatives will contact the school for copies of historical documents we may have on their time at WBGS. |
Ms Riaz and Mrs Barnes followed with History lessons on WBGS school and Dame Fuller, our school founder. The pupils were fascinated to discover that the portrait in the Main Hall is original and that instructions of Dame Fuller’s Last Will and Testament are still followed out during Founders Day. In support of these lessons the Library created a display for the boys to enjoy our rich history. Sharing details of Dame Fuller’s will, report cards on boy’s progress dated from the 1900’s, historical Fullerian magazines, historic photos of the school life, vintage school uniform items and much more. The boys enjoyed the Archive displays are always enjoyed by the boys and we will endeavour to have further displays for the whole school to enjoy.
Black History Month in the Library
We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Black History Month in the Library. A great book display was created by one of our D of E volunteers, Eevan, lots of the books have been borrowed and enjoyed by both staff and pupils
In collaboration with our wonderful Miss Leigh from the Art Department we held a Library lunchtime workshop for the boys to decorate African Masks in traditional designs, whilst enjoying African Tribal music. It was a full house, Miss Leigh and I were overwhelmed with how creative the boys were, their masks will be enjoyed by the whole school on display.
We are looking forward to our next BHM event in the Library working with the History Society. Sixth formers Karam and Reeshan have told us they will lead us on a journey around both British and World History to celebrate the incredible achievements of minority groups.
New books in the Library
Lots of new books have arrived in the Library; they are going out on loan fast. Any new title recommendations are encouraged, come and pass them on to Mrs Waterman, your Librarian.
During half term break, don’t forget all the wonderful free eBooks waiting for you. The platform VLeBOOKS is easy to access and use, here is a reminder on how to log in: Before you start, you must be logged into Google Chrome with your school email address.
Go to the following site:
Log in via the Google button, using your usual school log in.
Mrs Waterman