Collecting Donations for Food Bank Aid

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11 Jul 2023

Dear Parents, Carers ans Students, 

I am writing to let you know of a collection the school is running in collaboration with Food Bank Aid. Please sent your food donations to school for this worthy cause.

When: Tuesday 11th to Tuesday 18th July 2023

Where to leave donations: Donations should be brought to room 101 or LS1.

What do Food Bank Aid need?

· Tinned food – meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, desserts

· Breakfast cereals & instant porridge

· Instant noodles

· Tomato ketchup & mayonnaise

· Long-life wraps

· Snacks: biscuits, crisps, crackers, cereal bars

· Small cartons of juice

· Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes & deodorant

· Baby formula & nappies (large sizes)

Please ensure all food items are within their use by date.

About the Charity

Food Bank Aid is a charity which supports over 25 independent food banks across North London and Hertfordshire by collecting, sorting and distributing food, toiletries and household items to over 14,000 people including 4,000 children. They are currently appealing for help as we approach the school summer holidays.

We feel strongly as a school community that we should help raise awareness of food poverty and engage particularly with our children about social responsibility, but most importantly help those families who are really struggling.

We know this is a challenging time for all of us but even a packet of biscuits, for example, will be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,

Miss J Bensason

Literacy Tutor / Charity Collection Coordinator

LS Department